Essa comunidade é o reduto das pessoas interessadas nessas duas especialidades da ciência criminal, que até então não tinham como discutir, trocar informações e novidades sobre a criminologia e psicologia forense.

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Serial Killers - Parte XI - Mitos Sobre Serial Killers Parte 6

#6: ELES SÃO TODOS BRANCOS Contrariando o mito popular, nem todos os serial killers são brancos. Serial killers existem em todos os gr...

quarta-feira, 11 de junho de 2014

Recomendações da Semana!


- Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us

Most people are both repelled and intrigued by the images of cold-blooded, conscienceless murderers that increasingly populate our movies, television programs, and newspaper headlines. With their flagrant criminal violation of society's rules, serial killers like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy are among the most dramatic examples of the psychopath. Individuals with this personality disorder are fully aware of the consequences of their actions and know the difference between right and wrong, yet they are terrifyingly self-centered, remorseless, and unable to care about the feelings of others. Perhaps most frightening, they often seem completely normal to unsuspecting targets--and they do not always ply their trade by killing. Presenting a compelling portrait of these dangerous men and women based on 25 years of distinguished scientific research, Dr. Robert D. Hare vividly describes a world of con artists, hustlers, rapists, and other predators who charm, lie, and manipulate their way through life. Are psychopaths mad, or simply bad? How can they be recognized? And how can we protect ourselves? This book provides solid information and surprising insights for anyone seeking to understand this devastating condition.

Author: Robert D. Hare
Paperback: 236 pages
Publisher: The Guilford Press; 1 edition (January 8, 1999)
Language: English

- Hell Freezes Over: How I Survived Serial Killer Robert Hansen

This book details the story of a former exotic dancer, Brenda Lee Fowler who lived in Alaska and was a colleague of a few of Robert C Hansen's victims. However Ms. Fowler has A LOT of details I KNOW to be false from researching the case. I have read 3 other books about the Hanson case (Butcher, Baker, Fair Game and Hunted on Ice) that were ALL better researched than this one and some of the details she uses, although dramatic are completely false. For example, she claims that Hansen was stalking her at the topless bar where she worked and when another employee confronted him in the parking lot slit her throat which is crap- Robert Hansen DID NOT want to get caught and was very careful- NOT HIS MO AT ALL and no other book mentioned this and Ms. Fowler also claims that she was a witness at Hansen's trial until, after hearing her testimony Hansen exclaims "Well, this bitch knows everything" and confesses which is bullcrap- Robert Hansen pled guilty to the 4 murders already found by law enforcement recieving life plus 461 years and also led authorities to another 12 bodies, which he wasn't charged with. Buying this book was a complete waste of money. Anyone who wants to read about Robert C Hansen should NOT buy this, buy Butcher, Baker, Fair Game or Hunted on Ice. The author is trying to exaggerate her connection to Hansen due to his noteriety to try and sell her story but did a poor job by trying to insert herself into the story as the heroine

Brenda Lee Fowler (Author), David Dillard-Wright (Contributor) 
Paperback: 140 pages
Publisher: Motivational Press, Inc. (July 15, 2013)
Language: English



O filme segue o detetive Jack Halcombe (Nicolas Cage) do Alaska, enquanto ele se propõe a acabar com a fúria assassina de Robert Hansen (John Cusack), um serial killer que passou despercebido por 13 anos. Conforme os corpos de garotas de rua começam aparecer em Anchorage, o medo se instala entre a população. Arriscando sua vida, o detetive Flöthe sai em uma caçada pessoal para encontrar o assassino antes que o próximos corpos surjam. Quando um fugitiva de 17 anos de idade, revela informações importantes sobre o caso, Flöthe é finalmente capaz de rastrear o assassino. Mas ele vai pegá-lo a tempo de salvar a próxima vítima?

- Identidade

Uma violenta tempestade faz com que um grupo de pessoas busque abrigo em um motel desolado, gerenciado por um homem bastante nervoso e suspeito. Entre eles está um motorista de limusine, uma estrela da TV da década de 80, um policial encarregado de escoltar um assassino, um casal de recém-casados, e uma família em crise. De início todos se sentem aliviados por encontrarem um lugar para ficar em meio à tempestade, mas logo entram em pânico ao perceber que, um a um, todos estão sendo assassinados em nome de um misterioso segredo que une a presença de todos naquele lugar.


- Serial Killers - Robert Christian Hansen (Bob) - Documentary

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